Hard work does pay off

You guys have not seen me for a looong time because I have been staying focused on my priorities. Life sucks at times, but other times life can really bring you to a special place in your heart. Hard work does pay off, believe me! I hope all of you have been hanging in there these days.

Hi everyone! As many of you already know, I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at
Everipedia.com. I have learned so much about so many people and so many companies. I have many links that I am amazed at finding to add to my pages that I create. Many of my friends have gotten so many more HITS to their sites after CREATING a page on Everipedia.com. I hope you all have a chance to go over and check out what I have been doing. We have so many more visitors from all over the world. There are many people and companies that work so hard but never get an entry on Wikipedia. Well, no problem at Everipedia.com, we encourage you to CREATE YOUR PAGE! Have fun! Stay well.

EVERIPEDIA  is now one of the top 1,000 sites in the U.S. – yeeee




Believe in yourself;

Luisa Doraz

It’s a No-Brainer……VOTE


Urban Dictionary: no-brainer
Something so obvious to be correct/appropriate, that it requires no contemplation to decide on.

I could not look at myself in a mirror knowing that I did not win something FAIR and SQUARE! If I was told by those working for me that things were done illegally so I would have a better chance to win, I would decline. If I promised to the people that I was going to change something for the better, I would die trying! I believe in standing by my word, my honor! I would not be able to look at those innocent individuals looking at me right in my eyes and just keep talking away INSTEAD of implementing ACTION to assist them in their lives. I would not say anything if I was not POSITIVE 100% that I would show the American people what I was doing. LYING is NEVER going to be a part of me. Saying things from my heart and with emotional attachments will be me! I may sound different than most, but I will not just SAY it, I will DO it! Anyone who gets TOO comfortable with their position in their workplace often gets a bit stale. Those new to the position always shine a new light on matters. In my opinion, it is a no-brainer who to vote for. You are who you are, so please vote as you see fit. Thanks for letting me get my opinion out there.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz


Have a Peaceful Weekend


How long will I be prisoner to the emotions and sorrow I suffer each new day?

Do I even recognize we are in a new day?
How long will I have to feel the pain I am feeling, but not be able to share it with others.
Am I even feeling real pain?
How long will I have to look at others and try to place them where they belong in my head.
Should I even care at this point in my life?
What is my life?
How long will I enjoy the comfort of this bed I am in?
How long will I go on not really even knowing where I am?
I see my family.
I am here.
Is this it?

Please pray for me.
I think I remember I believe.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Everipedia.com. Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


A First for ME



Well, you have to believe me when I say that is actually me out there you see in the water. What am I doing? Well, my second son bought a KAYAK, with all of the gear. He insisted that I try it out! I could not leave until I did! I have to admit, I was a bit on the hesitant side. I would have rather had on my bathing suit instead of my new clothes I just got! I could see that my son REALLY wanted to see what would happen, so I did it! I am now hooked. I adjusted quickly to the balance issue. I got accustomed to getting wet! I sat in a puddle of water the whole time, put my pants finally dried! Once I got into the groove of kayaking, I did not want to stop! So, I guess I did learn that YOU CAN teach an old dog new tricks! lol Have fun!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

A Day in Ventura at the beach……..


Like my new shades? Looking good or should I trade them in? lol I had a relaxing day at the beach in Ventura. I walked up and down Main Street. Lots of shops ranging from thrift stores, antiques, and crazy gadgets. There sure were a lot of surfers out! I love watching them hit the waves. I got to eat at a delicious Irish Pub. The atmosphere was very friendly and inviting.I also took a look at the Ventura Mission. There you can find some samples of the way of life back in the day. I loved it!I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time in Ventura this summer. I also love going to their RV parks. I guess I had better get in shape! I have starting walking every day now for a minimum of 20-30 minutes. I also do some yoga and light weights. I do not belong to a gym. I find it more relaxing to do it in the comfort of my home. Hope you are all planning on having a nice week. I need you all to send some prayers out to my mom. She is having a heart angiogram on Tuesday. Thank you for your support.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Election Day in USA*

If you do not vote, you do not have a voice. Do not complain about life! Just VOTE!


Do you have an opinion about the 2012 Presidential campaign?

Allergic reaction to medication…OUCH

I am getting over an allergic reaction to a medication I was put on for a possible urinary tract infection, which I ended up not having. When I pick up my medicine, I always ask what a reaction might be. Do you? If you don’t, I suggest you start. If you do, hat’s off to you.

I got a rash. I was so tired I could not keep my eyes open. My eyes were so swollen!  I had trouble walking from my car to my front door. I was very dizzy. I just did not feel like myself.

I went to urgent care and was taken off the medicine right away. I had to wait for it to work its way out of my bloodstream. All of this started because my blood work showed my nitrites and leukocyte were positive. I since found out that sometimes they are and it is fine. I am being referred to a specialist, to be on the safe side.

Have any of you had reactions? If you want to share..go right ahead please.

Always read the labels!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Summer Break Time…..

Hi all. It is that time of year again where I have a really hectic schedule. I need to stay focused on my current events at home. I will be taking a break from blogging. I will be back when things calm down! I hope you all enjoy the summer. Stay well and happy. Be sure to take care of yourself. I want to thank you all for being such great blogging friends. I will be stopping in to visit you, but I will not be leaving comments. I love to see what you all are doing. I will also be checking on my blog every so often, so if you leave a comment…I will reply. So, until ????….Have a great life.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Eat Right for Your Blood Type…….”Why not?”, says ME*

I was very fascinated with this book when I found it in the bookstore yesterday. My friend’s husband told me all about it. I was a bit skeptical, but so far I like what I see. It all makes sense to me.

You need to figure out what your blood type is. I asked my Dr. if it was in my file. Well, it is not..so, I am going to go see what blood type I am by going to take a simple blood test. I can not start my new way of eating until I do so!

Basically. once you find your blood type, you can start educating yourself to many different things about you. The book breaks down each blood type with foods best for you, foods you should avoid, and foods that are neutral. If you are wanting to lose weight, it points out to you what you need to do. If you exercise, it will tell you the most effective type of workout for your system. It will tell you the best things to drink. for your system. It shows you why you may be having a problem losing weight. It is actually very interesting to me.

So, I will be starting this new way of eating asap. I hope to get in better physical shape. I hope to keep my system free of any medications. I hope to get down to a weight that is easier for me to handle…about 10-15 pounds should help!

I will keep you all posted about things that I find to be very impressive.

I hope you are all well and happy.
Thanks for stopping in to visit me.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz