Smile in Life

Each day we have choices.

We can just say that we have had enough and retreat.

We can also say that we have had enough, and do something about it.

In your little corner of the world, you can make a difference.

Make it for the better good of ALL of mankind.

Our existence can be resting in your hands.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Is Your BRAIN activated or on pause?????

If you have been lucky in life,so far, to have a brain that seems to be doing what it is suppose to do to make sure you are getting by every day the best you can, then it appears that your brain is activated. If you are just complaining and always looking for faults in your family and friends. then it is not.

You need to cherish the brain and appreciate the value of your brain. Every time you keep singing to it the same crappy story you have managed to scheme, you are not being a friend to your brain.

Life sucks at times. I also know that life is amazing at times also. I guess I mainly focus on the reality of my situation, and use my brain to help me figure out how to cope with it. If it becomes harder and harder each day, then it is time to seek help from a medical doctor, friends, or family.

In other words, we are not alone…unless that is your choice. Then you need to use all of our brain to try to figure out how to deal with it.

Always believe.

Have Faith.

Have love.

Have hope.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Making the turn that works for you

live your life.jpg

Every day you have to hear the same thing over and over again

You just can not take it any longer

You express yourself to others

You are dazzled by their response

You feel like no one really understands

You just want to run away, really far

That way it will all just disappear

Things will be nice and calm

You can just do what ever you feel like

Well, wrong

That fantasy will only last as long as you decide to make it last

You did not have to be so dramatic in your previous life

You just had to open your eyes

The world is the world, no matter where you decide to make it yours

The key point is, make it yours!

Get involved

Get a new reality set in your head


Just LIVE!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

New Years Resolution in progress

Well, every new year we all seem to make resolutions that we start out strong with and then they manage to fade out. I made a different one this year that I believe will be simple to do. Every morning I walk into my closet to decide what to wear, I always grab the same stuff! I have years of clothes accumulated in my closet, but I ALWAYS manage to reach for those same pants, top, etc. that I have been wearing for days! I decided to push myself to change this! Every day NOW I will pick out something different! My hubby is going to help me with this. He said he would tell me if he notices I am going back to my old habit. ( He also knows if he says the wrong thing, I will explode! LOL)
So far this year, I have been right on track. I will make it a habit to post some of my photos more often. They SHOULD show me in different clothes!

Just wondering, what is your resolution for 2017?

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Have a Peaceful Weekend

How long will I be prisoner to the emotions and sorrow I suffer each new day?

Do I even recognize we are in a new day?
How long will I have to feel the pain I am feeling, but not be able to share it with others.
Am I even feeling real pain?
How long will I have to look at others and try to place them where they belong in my head.
Should I even care at this point in my life?
What is my life?
How long will I enjoy the comfort of this bed I am in?
How long will I go on not really even knowing where I am?
I see my family.
I am here.
Is this it?

Please pray for me.
I think I remember I believe.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Happy Birthday to ME

We had the opportunity to travel to Moab, Utah and visit Arches National Park. It was amazing! We got to do some hiking and lots of sight seeing. I would highly recommend a visit! We also got to visit Canyonland National Park. So awesome!

Now I am continuing with my birthday celebration! My family and friends are amazing! So loving and so supportive! I hope you are not to crazy over my photos I like to post! Oh well, have a great time doing what you like to do! I sure am. 🙂

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


Sexy Italians

My friend Kristi sent me this and I thought it was so true. lol
I am full blooded Italian, of course.
I do not look that bad, I might add.
So, I wanted to cheer myself up when I saw this.
Hope you all got some smiles off of it. 🙂

This is the time when I wish you all a very happy life doing what makes you happy. Just keep it safe. Keep it healthy. Keep it real. Keep it fun, but peaceful!

I am still busy doing what I do. Hope you can come visit me at


Believe in Yourself;


Luisa Doraz

GIRLS DON’T POOP….funny video!

This is such a funny video I was sent! I want to share it with you all! Have a GREAT weekend!

Be Proud of who YOU are*

If this life we are faced with many challenges. Some of them we ignore. Some of them we can not. We do our best to maintain our dignity and self respect when we deal with the issues we are facing. We make a choice. We move ahead. We wait and see what happens. Sometimes we are criticized.
Sometimes we are applauded. Before you make a choice, really stop and think what will happen to others when you do. Think of others and not just yourself. When you do so, YOU will succeed. Always be PROUD of your decisions. Stand tall. Keep your SELF RESPECT and DIGNITY first. ALWAYS!

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Just for Fun*

I thought this was funny. Just wanted to share. Hope all is well.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz