Everybody wants to be someone else

Re-blogged something I wrote. 🙂

Just sitting here thinking about my life and trying to figure out what it is I am happy about…all of the time. I mean, I am always telling everyone to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF…put, what the heck does that really mean. I have a tendency to write what I am thinking, so I tend to go on and on. I also go all over the place. So, be ready with that cup of coffee, and then sit back and just stare. Just stare at me and what I do. I mean, really…who am I??? I am in one of those moods where I feel like writing all over again. I did a lot of writing when I first started this blog, and then…somehow, I was doing comedy. OH, that is who I am, right? I do love to make people laugh at life. I do get happy when I see other people happy. I get sad when I see people stressing out over things that are really bad for them. I wish I could just make all of their problems go away. I wish we all would be able to do that for all of those who are important to us and even to those that we do not even know. Oh, I just noticed how long this post is getting. You will be tired by now. Thanks for being who you are and visiting me. I do get a smile from you all. I hope you have a great day! Make it special…your way. Do the same for the rest of your life. I figure we all should do the best we can…while we still can. OK,I am done…for now. Remember…

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Smile in Life

Each day we have choices.

We can just say that we have had enough and retreat.

We can also say that we have had enough, and do something about it.

In your little corner of the world, you can make a difference.

Make it for the better good of ALL of mankind.

Our existence can be resting in your hands.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Are you stupid?

Definition of stupid: “having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense”

I am a person of fact. I always verify my information. I do not believe someone when they tell me something, until I can find facts to prove it. I rather have someone tell me flat out what their opinion of me is, rather than pretend and just act like every thing is good. I can always tell when someone is lying because of their eye movement and theri behavior. I hope you all find what ever it takes for YOU to be in charge of your behavior. YOU have a voice. YOU count. Just listen to what your persona is telling in. Rest. Think. Meditate. GET SMART.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

<The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool. Stephen King

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Life is Short”

“They say it takes a minute

to find a special person.

An hour to appreciate them.

A day to love them,

but then an entire life

to forget them.”

This statement I found got me thinking about my friends and family. I recently lost my brother suddenly. We really do not know what the next day holds, so we should appreciate all that we have everyday. Getting upset over something that isn’t worth having a heart attack over is something we should learn to control. We should see each day as a challenge that will have positibe results. We should embrace life and enjoy every moment of it. I agree, life is short. That is why I try to do what I can when I can and not dwell on what I haven’t done yet . It gets you nowhere!

Have Faith

Have Love

Have Hope

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Is Your BRAIN activated or on pause?????

If you have been lucky in life,so far, to have a brain that seems to be doing what it is suppose to do to make sure you are getting by every day the best you can, then it appears that your brain is activated. If you are just complaining and always looking for faults in your family and friends. then it is not.

You need to cherish the brain and appreciate the value of your brain. Every time you keep singing to it the same crappy story you have managed to scheme, you are not being a friend to your brain.

Life sucks at times. I also know that life is amazing at times also. I guess I mainly focus on the reality of my situation, and use my brain to help me figure out how to cope with it. If it becomes harder and harder each day, then it is time to seek help from a medical doctor, friends, or family.

In other words, we are not alone…unless that is your choice. Then you need to use all of our brain to try to figure out how to deal with it.

Always believe.

Have Faith.

Have love.

Have hope.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Times of Reflection

There will be many times when you come to a decision about some thoughts that have been swimming around in that brain of yours. Best to just let them swim, but change your style every once in a while. Play out all of those scenarios in your head, and figure which seems the most appetizing, at the time. Once you make a choice, I find that it is best to stick with it, as much as possible. For example, let us say you have been working for a company for 5 years. Another company makes you an interesting offer, you can not seem to refuse. If you feel you have looked it all over and it still seems like the right move for your situation at the time, then why not? Leaving you current company will feel kind of like a divorce. Your ready to make changes, but you wonder if you did the right thing. Normal. Life is all about BALANCE. If something in that brain of yours says, “I do not want to do this anymore!” Then maybe that will be the next decision you need to figure out. Such is LIFE. Just believe in yourself and have faith, hope, and love to guide you.

Thanks for letting me chat with you a bit. Thanks for stopping by.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

My Brain

I have been blessed with senses

I can see

I can hear

I can smell

I can touch

I can taste

I respect the fact that others in this world may have different opinions about what ice cream flavor tasets better or who is cuter, your spouse or your favorite movie star. I can appreciate that you may not like rock and roll like I do, but you prefer jazz. I can relate to picking out the best smelling fragrance for you, and you might hate the one I wear. You may not like the feel of lotion on your body, so you do not use any.

What I am getting at is, we are all the same…yet, we do have our personal differences. So be it. I just wish we could all just SMILE at one another and transform each other into happy beings. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Thanks for stopping by and letting me chat with you a bit. I was a little lonely!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Everipedia News

Luisa here to let you in on the latest BIG NEWS for the Everipedia Team! I hope you are all well and enjoying life.Thank you for stopping in.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ” – Plato

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Everipedia.com. Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Making the turn that works for you

live your life.jpg

Every day you have to hear the same thing over and over again

You just can not take it any longer

You express yourself to others

You are dazzled by their response

You feel like no one really understands

You just want to run away, really far

That way it will all just disappear

Things will be nice and calm

You can just do what ever you feel like

Well, wrong

That fantasy will only last as long as you decide to make it last

You did not have to be so dramatic in your previous life

You just had to open your eyes

The world is the world, no matter where you decide to make it yours

The key point is, make it yours!

Get involved

Get a new reality set in your head


Just LIVE!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Rest in Peace Mom



It is my belief that my mom is resting in peace now. She was lucky enough to live out her life the way she felt like. She overcame many struggles. She enjoyed many moments of happiness. She always did her best to make all of those around her happy. Since she is of Italian decent, she just loved to feed people! If you did not eat what she made, she would say, “What’s wrong with the food, eat!” LOL After a while, we all just surrendered and ate. LOL She worked until she was 81 years old as a food demo person at Costco Wholesale. She loved feeding all of the customers, especially the kids. LOL She took ill a few years ago. She managed to do her best. She passed quietly in her sleep at 85 years old. We should all be so lucky, huh?

We made an EVERIPEDIA page for my mom. You can do one for any of your loved ones that have passed. I was touched when the team did this.


Any prayers for my mom DELIA, would be appreciated.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz