Magical Days

May you ALL enjoy the rest of 2016 with much LOVE, HAPPINESS, and PEACE! Enjoy EVERY moment as a BLESSING from GOD! God Bless You All!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

( I will be replying to any comments left. I am going to be otherwise committed, so I will not be blogging for a while! Stay well and happy!)<

Smiles are contagious

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Demented Mom

If you think that you will understand me one day soon, you will not.
If you think that you will find a magic pill that will cure me, you will not.
If you think that I am happy doing and saying what I am, I am not.
If you think I can understand your look of confusion now, I do not.
If you can just leave me alone to be in my own little new  world, I will be fine.
You are not welcomed.
You are not needed.
You are only there some of the time.
Most days, I just go along my merry way.
If I want to shout, I will.
If I want to try to get out of bed, I will.
If I want to spit out my food, I will.
If I do not want to take my medicine, it is my problem, not yours.
You can only do so much for those like me.
My body has already been invaded by the aliens that hate good mental health.
You can help by joining in the battle to fight this beast called dementia.
That would make me smile.

No matter what, just remember that I will always love you.

Thank you.

Your mother*

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Like this VIEW?????


As I start my day with my cup in hand,

I feel totally blessed to live in this land.

The freedom to become what we dream of to be.

The right and the honor to maintain our dignity.

Work and stay focused on what is your plan.

Always remain positive with a smile close at hand!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz has a NEW look

Hi everyone! As many of you already know, I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at I have learned so much about so many people and so many companies. I have many links that I am amazed at finding to add to my pages that I create. Many of my friends have gotten so many more HITS to their sites after CREATING a page on I hope you all have a chance to go over and check out what I have been doing. We have so many more visitors from all over the world. There are many people and companies that work so hard but never get an entry on Wikipedia. Well, no problem at, we encourage you to CREATE YOUR PAGE! Have fun! Stay well.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

My very special T-Shirt

I am so happy to share with you all my photos of my very special EVERIPEDIA

t-shirt! I am a Master Editor for this great .com company that has given me this t-shirt to say thanks! I am happy to see that my friends are going strong and that their company is doing great! Thank you to all who have gone by to

and created their page and added their links. 🙂

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

PEP TALK 10/7/15

If you do not ask someone a question, you will take much longer waiting to find out what the answer might be. Why not just ask the question and accept the answer for what it is? You will probably sleep better tonight. 🙂

Miles to freedom

The miles to freedom never seem to want to end

The purpose they serve is to secure our fitness

What makes them the expert?

What makes them the judge?

That would be the choices that we make along the way.

The road is as long as you make it.

Accept the challenges.

Stay in the world of LIFE!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

GEEZ, NO BIRTHDAY LUNCH TODAY? My friends turn. :)

Yes, I went to lunch again today! This time with my mom, brother, and a good friend. It was her turn today to get all of the attention and fun. We went to a Mexican resturant and had the most delicious fajitas! It was at El Torito. They have  combo fajitas that are steak, pork, shrimp, and chicken that comes with unlimited side dishes and all of the trimmings! The place was packed. They sang to my friend in Spanish. She loved it because she understood every word. She was born in El Salvador. We all got to try a taste of the flan. It was delicious. So, if there is an El Torito around where you live, try it out sometime. 🙂

Whatever the time

Where ever the place

Always keep a really big SMILE

on your adorable face!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

P.S.- Thanks to those of you who went and created a page for my friends at

Happy Birthday to ME

I have to confess. I have been celebrating my birthday since the 5th of September. I am so lucky to have such good friends and great family! They just will not let me stop celebrating! I decided to give in and join them…with a smile! I have had so many delicious lunches. So many yummy cakes. So much quality time with everyone. That is the greatest gift! So, You all enjoy and celebrate in your style. I want all of your dreams to come true. All of your secrets to be kept safe. I will still be celebrating. I will be by to see you soon. Until then, stay well and happy my friends!

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

PS> IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE, please go create a page on


The team is working very hard. You can post links to your blog. More hits for you! Have fun. Thanks.
