Life is Short”

“They say it takes a minute

to find a special person.

An hour to appreciate them.

A day to love them,

but then an entire life

to forget them.”

This statement I found got me thinking about my friends and family. I recently lost my brother suddenly. We really do not know what the next day holds, so we should appreciate all that we have everyday. Getting upset over something that isn’t worth having a heart attack over is something we should learn to control. We should see each day as a challenge that will have positibe results. We should embrace life and enjoy every moment of it. I agree, life is short. That is why I try to do what I can when I can and not dwell on what I haven’t done yet . It gets you nowhere!

Have Faith

Have Love

Have Hope

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

Believe in Yourself

Well, it seems like I am gravitating these days to my blog that I have been away from on a regular basis. It seems like I want to express myself these days. When I get thoughts into my head that take over what I am trying to do at that moment, I just say “What the *ell,” i am going to blog. Now, I do not know how long this is going to go on…so, please bear with me. 🙂 Some of my blogging friends are so good about blogging EVERY DAY! I remember when I first started, I would stay up most of the night blogging and posting!! Blogging has helped me with my mental health. When my mental health is stronger, my physical health follows on a much better path. So, those of you who stop by and do not have a blog….start one! Those of you who are so kind and generous with your time to visit my blog often….thank you. May you all find in your life what you need to make each day go by a bit easier. I always SMILE. No matter what, I reflect on all of my blessings and a smile magically appears.

Believe in Yourself; 

Luisa Doraz

December 2016

Thank you to all of you who stop by and visit my blog.I have had some challenges to face this December 2016.

My Mom has now suffered a stroke. Her recovery is still in question.Her vitals are all good and she is not in any pain. She can not talk anymore. She is not too responsive. I am lucky to have many friends and family members praying for her. Only time will tell. We will all be doing what we can do.

I wanted to write a poem, my style. I feel it really helps me emotionally. Thank you again for your visit. May you have a blessed holiday season full of many smiles.

Whatever happens to you in this life is not meant to harm you
Instead, we must absorb the lesson it is meant to teach.
When we feel we can no longer take what is happening to us and we just want to escape,
Instead we must meditate and listen to what it is meant to teach.
When we cloud our judgement with things of no relevance and inflict unnecessary harm to our well being,
Instead, we should be coming to terms with the lesson being taught us.



Realize and be thankful for all of your blessings.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

The mystery of our world

You can not figure it out,
so stop trying.
You will never be able to understand the way some people think,
so stop trying.
You will be amazed at some of the stupidity you are a witness to,
so stop trying to figure it out.
No one cares about your opinion,
so accept it.
No one really listens to what you have to say,
so just stop talking.
You are just wasting your precious time trying to satisfy others,
so just focus on yourself first.
Be sure you are where you want to be in your life now,
or do something about it.
Stop blaming all of those other people,
just accept the challenge and go on with your journey.
It is your journey, your path.
Those that want to share it with you will be the ones smiling and reaching out their hands to help.
Those are the people you need to focus on.
Those are the people you need to cherish.
You have found your treasure.
Stop trying to figure out a solution to the worlds problems.
Focus on one a day.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


If you do not recognize what is going on, what can I say?
If you do not see the wrong that is shining, what can I do?

If you continue to live in your own little world, what of others?

If you fail to see the BIG agenda, what can be done?

Listen and learn ON YOUR OWN.

Do not always fall prey to the gossip.

Do not alwats surrender in weakness.

Hold strong to the facts.

You have an opinion that counts.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Dorazi

Demented Mom

If you think that you will understand me one day soon, you will not.
If you think that you will find a magic pill that will cure me, you will not.
If you think that I am happy doing and saying what I am, I am not.
If you think I can understand your look of confusion now, I do not.
If you can just leave me alone to be in my own little new  world, I will be fine.
You are not welcomed.
You are not needed.
You are only there some of the time.
Most days, I just go along my merry way.
If I want to shout, I will.
If I want to try to get out of bed, I will.
If I want to spit out my food, I will.
If I do not want to take my medicine, it is my problem, not yours.
You can only do so much for those like me.
My body has already been invaded by the aliens that hate good mental health.
You can help by joining in the battle to fight this beast called dementia.
That would make me smile.

No matter what, just remember that I will always love you.

Thank you.

Your mother*

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

The Harsh Reality

The harsh reality is that nobody knows. You think you do, but you don’t. You think you have it all figured out, but you don’t. You look things up on your computer for hours and think you have found the answers, but you didn’t. You make all the charts you need to make to feel like you have it all organized, but you don’t. You talk on and on for hours on why you decision is the right decision, but it isn’t. Why, you ask? Well, if you spent all those hours  invested in something that is a possibility, why not spend all those hours investing in YOU. A person who is always searching for a solution is a person who is lost. I believe one needs to make peace within themselves before they can dream of a future that will bloom. When one reaches this point in their life, their thoughts will equal their actions. If you are happy just being who you are and welcome yourself with open arms when you see your image in the mirror, then you can say IT IS what it is.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz



The merry go round of life..poem

It seems that days are often lost

in the thoughts of what is and what is to come

These thoughts can consume your whole being

You lose site of reality and what is

You dwell on what could have been

“If only,” becomes to comfortable a phrase

You are the one who holds the key

You can make the choices in your life

that will be positive

You have only to  balance the negative with the positive

The balance will give you the energy to do what you must


Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

I am at peace, are you really?

You found what brings you peace in life

So have I

Your idea of peace is rather strange to me

But it is YOUR idea and you are entitled

My idea brings me many hours of peace and satisfaction, yet you refuse to let me have them

You attack

You aggravate

You do your best to have me lose it

But it does not work

becaude I am at peace

I wish you REALLY were and did not imagine such

Oh well, I will not give up

I am not going anywhere

I am here

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

PEP TALK 10/7/15

If you do not ask someone a question, you will take much longer waiting to find out what the answer might be. Why not just ask the question and accept the answer for what it is? You will probably sleep better tonight. 🙂