Believe in Yourself

Well, it seems like I am gravitating these days to my blog that I have been away from on a regular basis. It seems like I want to express myself these days. When I get thoughts into my head that take over what I am trying to do at that moment, I just say “What the *ell,” i am going to blog. Now, I do not know how long this is going to go on…so, please bear with me. 🙂 Some of my blogging friends are so good about blogging EVERY DAY! I remember when I first started, I would stay up most of the night blogging and posting!! Blogging has helped me with my mental health. When my mental health is stronger, my physical health follows on a much better path. So, those of you who stop by and do not have a blog….start one! Those of you who are so kind and generous with your time to visit my blog often….thank you. May you all find in your life what you need to make each day go by a bit easier. I always SMILE. No matter what, I reflect on all of my blessings and a smile magically appears.

Believe in Yourself; 

Luisa Doraz

Believe in Yourself

I like to stay home. I like to not always have someplace to go. I like getting up in the morning when I feel like it. I like no one telling me what I need to do for the day. I like to make my own plans and see where they go. I do not feel you always have to have a goal that you get all crazy about to meet. Where does it say that I am required to have goals? I personally feel that if I am in the position to do what ever comes my way, why not? If I do want to plan something, why not? Life goes on day by day. I can even break it down to minute by minute. I wish to just see what happens and then do what I need to do. I appreciate others feeling concerned, but it is your choice to feel that way. I am fine. Thank you for being a friend. That means a lot to me. 🙂

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

The mystery of our world

You can not figure it out,
so stop trying.
You will never be able to understand the way some people think,
so stop trying.
You will be amazed at some of the stupidity you are a witness to,
so stop trying to figure it out.
No one cares about your opinion,
so accept it.
No one really listens to what you have to say,
so just stop talking.
You are just wasting your precious time trying to satisfy others,
so just focus on yourself first.
Be sure you are where you want to be in your life now,
or do something about it.
Stop blaming all of those other people,
just accept the challenge and go on with your journey.
It is your journey, your path.
Those that want to share it with you will be the ones smiling and reaching out their hands to help.
Those are the people you need to focus on.
Those are the people you need to cherish.
You have found your treasure.
Stop trying to figure out a solution to the worlds problems.
Focus on one a day.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Common Sense


Full Definition of common sense

: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts

I pride myself on the fact that I have common sense. These days, nothing around this world seems to make any sense. I mean, one minute things are quiet, the next there is a mass explosion! It seems like some people nowadays seem to feel they need to be heard, like back in the primative days. I guess some people get tired of talking to one another and reaching an agreement. I feel that politics nowadays adds fuel to the fire! The election process if bizarre. I mean it is what it is, but really? Chosing to be ignorant in life is a disease. Luckily, there is a cure for ignorance. It is called education. Be smart. Get smart. Use common sense.

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

Smiles are contagious

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over! If you want a page, just ask! 🙂

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz


There comes a point and time in our lives where we are not really sure exactly what the hell we believe in. I hope that you have all found a place in your life where you can say you have achieved some type of peace with things. We all need to find that balance in our lives where we can actually not get annoyed when we look at ourselves in the mirror. I can honestly say that I have reached that blessing in my life. I have fought hard and strong. I have stayed focused. I have stayed true. I have not injured anyone along the way. I can say that I am at peace and can accept any challenge., Can you?

Believe in Yourself;
Luisa Doraz

I have been really busy writing away as a Master Editor for my friends at Have you created your page yet? What are you waiting for? Come on over!

Photo taken in Reno,Nevada *

Demented Mom

If you think that you will understand me one day soon, you will not.
If you think that you will find a magic pill that will cure me, you will not.
If you think that I am happy doing and saying what I am, I am not.
If you think I can understand your look of confusion now, I do not.
If you can just leave me alone to be in my own little new  world, I will be fine.
You are not welcomed.
You are not needed.
You are only there some of the time.
Most days, I just go along my merry way.
If I want to shout, I will.
If I want to try to get out of bed, I will.
If I want to spit out my food, I will.
If I do not want to take my medicine, it is my problem, not yours.
You can only do so much for those like me.
My body has already been invaded by the aliens that hate good mental health.
You can help by joining in the battle to fight this beast called dementia.
That would make me smile.

No matter what, just remember that I will always love you.

Thank you.

Your mother*

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

The Harsh Reality

The harsh reality is that nobody knows. You think you do, but you don’t. You think you have it all figured out, but you don’t. You look things up on your computer for hours and think you have found the answers, but you didn’t. You make all the charts you need to make to feel like you have it all organized, but you don’t. You talk on and on for hours on why you decision is the right decision, but it isn’t. Why, you ask? Well, if you spent all those hours  invested in something that is a possibility, why not spend all those hours investing in YOU. A person who is always searching for a solution is a person who is lost. I believe one needs to make peace within themselves before they can dream of a future that will bloom. When one reaches this point in their life, their thoughts will equal their actions. If you are happy just being who you are and welcome yourself with open arms when you see your image in the mirror, then you can say IT IS what it is.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz



The merry go round of life..poem

It seems that days are often lost

in the thoughts of what is and what is to come

These thoughts can consume your whole being

You lose site of reality and what is

You dwell on what could have been

“If only,” becomes to comfortable a phrase

You are the one who holds the key

You can make the choices in your life

that will be positive

You have only to  balance the negative with the positive

The balance will give you the energy to do what you must


Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

PEP TALK 10/7/15

If you do not ask someone a question, you will take much longer waiting to find out what the answer might be. Why not just ask the question and accept the answer for what it is? You will probably sleep better tonight. 🙂