Oh Yeah!

This goes out to my brother who keeps calling me up and telling me to watch this. He loves it! Hope you all do too.

Red Skelton was quite the comedian, huh?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard Bernard “Red” Skelton (July 18, 1913 – September 17, 1997) was an American entertainer best known for being a national radio and television comedian between 1937 and 1971. Skelton, who has stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, began his show business career in his teens as a circus clown and continued on vaudeville and Broadway and in films, radio, TV, night clubs, and casinos, all while he pursued an entirely separate career as an artist.


Have a great week.

Back from Texas……..

Well, I have returned. I have mixed feelings about Texas. The people there are ALL really nice. They are very helpful and polite. They really seem to care about what you are asking about. I was impressed. They are not all walking around with cowboy hats and boots on. They look just like everyone else anywhere in the states. I was kind of wanting to see some cowboys. Oh well. 😦

Now the highways are another story. I was going crazy, and so was our GPS. I think it is easier to drive around LA! There is so much open road in Texas. I guess I am just set with the way around town here. I would get around Texas, after a while. Costco from my sons house is about 40 minutes away. I would go crazy with that! I would have to be close to all the stores I am familiar with. I guess I am getting old!:(

My son seems very happy. He got his place all set up. It looks pretty good for a studio apartment. He takes about 200 steps, and he is at work. No traffic. No excuse for being late. No stress from long commutes. He is fitting in nicely. I am very happy to have had the chance to go see where he is. His complex is very nice and all of the managers are friendly. They bake fresh cookies EVERY morning! They gave a wonderful coffee machine. I went there EVERY morning because my son does not do coffee. 😦

I am glad to be back in CA and crazy LA. I love this place. I did miss it a lot. When I landed at LAX, I smiled big time.

Hope you are all well. I will be by as soon as I catch up.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz

And the beat goes on….

Well folks, TEXAS wins. I am happy we have a decision. Now we can go full speed ahead with moving plans. I will be driving out with my son, and hubby will come when he can get away from work. It is nice that he is self employed, huh? I hope he can help with our searches for furniture, apartments, and all of that fun stuff. The area of Texas my son will be moving to is nice. My mom is already wanting to go on a plane trip to visit. This is someone who NEVER wants to fly anywhere! Now, she is packing her bags. lol I can get to my son in 2 hours by plane, and one and a halk days of driving. I have a lot of friends who want to go for a visit once my son is settled in. He is just rolling his eyes at that! lol Does he really think he can get rid of me? lol I am a lot happier now. My blogging friend Joy gave me some great advice about emplty nest syndrome. She told me to talk..talk…talk about things. Well, I am talking and I am blogging. Thanks for listening.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz


Grand Canyon Railway – The Official Site

One of the highlights of my trip was the train ride to the Grand Canyon. The train only went about 40 mph, so we got to enjoy the view amd got to walk around a lot. I paid extra to be in the luxury car because my kids needed the leg room. We would have a problem in the regular seats due to their heights. So, I got to enjoy desserts, fruits, cheeses, crackers, and a champagne toast. The kids had apple cider. We also had the benefit of going out to the back of the train and enjoying the view. We met a lot of very interesting people out there. They were visiting from all over the world. We had Larry, who sang for us. He is a great singer and has sooo much personality. He was nice enough to take a photo with me. I also got to meet the conductor. He was also a very nice person. The whole crew was amazing and friendly. They made the ride extra special. On the trip home, we even had a staged train robbery. Sooo much fun. I would highly recommend this trip. It is a great family vacation. It is all planned out. All you have to do is have your money ready or your signature on the dotted line. Hope you are all having a great day. I will post Grand Canyon photos next. Until then, be good. Smile. Visit one another.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz


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“Life’s tough……it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”

John Wayne


An old cowhand came riding into town on a hot, dry, dusty day. The local sheriff watched from his chair in frontof the saloon as the cowboy wearily dismounted and tied his horse to the rail a few feet in front of the sheriff.

The cowboy then moved slowly to the back of his horse, lifted its tail, and placed a big kiss where the sun don’t shine.

He dropped the horse’s tail, stepped up on the walk and aimed towards the swinging doors of the saloon.

“Hold on there, Mister,” said the sheriff. “Did I just see what I think I saw?”

“Reckon you did, Sheriff. I got me some powerful chapped lips.”

“And that cures them?” the Sheriff asked. “Nope, but it keeps me from lickin’ ’em.”

I am at STARLA’S PARTY Come on over for a while!
Thank you for your support!