Word for life changes….YES!

I am sure that many times in your life you have said to yourself, ” I should of said yes.” I as also sure that there were many times you said, ” I am sure glad I said no.”

Well, I am talking about those times when you know that the situation you are in lead to an answer that required a yes or no, it MIGHT be better to say yes and live the experience. I want to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT referring to anything that is dangerous to your health, either physically or mentally. I am referring to those times when your mom and dad ask if you want to grab a bite to eat with them and you make an excuse to not go because you do not want to be seen with them. I am talking about those times your parents ask you to get dressed nicely and go with them to church and you say you do not feel good because you are not really into it. I am also talking about those times that a friend might need your help with something as simple as helping them cook a meal they are having troublke with, and you say you are not real good at cooking just because you rather just sit there and watch them struggle.

So I say in my opinion, if you say yes more in this life to helping another feel more a little happier…so will you.

If you decide to make a commitment to your local charity and stick to it, they will win and so will you.

If you decide to look at your parents as people and stop labeling them your parents, you will see that they are pretty cool and you will be as well.

If you tell the coach you will do your very best…no excuses, you will be a winner even if you lose the race.

Keep a balance in your life. Say yes when it works.

Believe in Yourself;

Luisa Doraz


10 Responses

  1. Most Sundays(50 weeks a year) there is a classical music performance where I live…an amazing array of performers…must admit I’m getting spoiled with such fine music…have a great weekend…I’m off to hear Diana Krall…not classic but good. 🙂

    • Wow, have fun. Just fly me to the moon and I will watch also. lol I think I know the area in which you live. I am happy you enjoy it often. You deserve many smiles. 😎

  2. Yes we can say yes to say many things
    Didnt know you are interested in western classical -We have a music genius Ilayaraja by name , a real genius who composed two classical albums “How to name it” and ” Nothing but the wind ” — I am not much into this classical music though I enjoy anything good —
    The above piece was good

    • Thanks. I am going to check out the artist you mentioned. I was gone all day. We were celebrating my second sons birthday. We also had two other friends celebrating. We had a summer potluck. I ate too much, but I was smiling. Carrot cake I provided was a hit. 😎 Hope all is well.

    • Lviss, I had a chance to go listen to the artist you mentioned. He is quite different for me. I enjoyed the happiness in his voice and the cheerfulness of the music. It was very interesting for me to watch. Thank you. 😎

  3. Happy Birthday to your second son. Would that be number one young son. :+) I guess if you have two sons that would make sense. Sounds fun a potluck I would say YES to carrot cake. I agree Yes it a good answer to a lot of things in life. Enjoyed the video.

    • Thanks Starla. lol Your logic made sense to me. lol I am glad you liked the video. My birds love it also. They sing along. lol Have a great week.

      • Thats great I can just imagine your birds singing to the video. Your birds have really good taste in music! Hope you have a great week Doraz.

        • Hi Starla, sorry for the delay. Just got back from an RV trip with hubby, brother, and mom. Hope to post about it soon. You guys good? Hope all is well and happy.

          • Hey Doraz I was wonder why you were so quiet in your neck of the woods. Now I see you really were in the woods or at least on a trip Cool. I hope you guys had a good time. It sure is nice to just get out and about. Things are pretty good here. :+)

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